3rd Open Science FAIR Conference

Why? Open science (also referred to as open scholarship) is at a crossroads. Implementation and adoption are progressing, with researchers, research institutions, funding agencies, service providers and infrastructures all engaging at various levels. However, different models are emerging which produce a seemingly fragmented ecosystem and achieve small steps on top Weiterlesen…

Co-Creating a Roadmap for Capacity Building on Open Science and Citizen Science for Research Libraries

Citizen Science has collaboration at its core and represents innovative ways in connecting Open Science with society.  Many citizen science practitioners identify communication between all involved in projects as the biggest challenge of all. Following LIBER’s Open Knowledge Activities and the Vision-building workshops in the context of the INOS project, Weiterlesen…

Was kann Deutschland von der internationalen Wissenschafts- und Innovationspolitik lernen, wenn es um die Förderung von Offenheit geht?

innOsci – das Forum für offene Innovationskultur im Stifterverband – hat eine Studie in Auftrag gegeben, die verschiedene Instrumente zur Förderung von Offenheit sowie aktuelle Entwicklungen und Vorreiterstaaten analysiert. Die Studie wurde von der Innovations-Beratung winnovation erstellt und stellt über ein Dutzend Best Practices vor. In dieser Online-Veranstaltung stellen wir die Weiterlesen…

Global Open Science Cloud Initiative: Introduction event

The major global scientific and human challenges of the 21st century (including COVID-19 and future pandemics, anthropogenic climate change, sustainable development, and disaster risk reduction) can only be addressed through cross-domain research that seeks to understand complex systems through machine-assisted analysis at scale. The digital revolution can accelerate such research Weiterlesen…

OPERAS library advocacy workshop

The OPERAS advocacy workshop Libraries supporting Open Science is going to be held on June 8th, 2021 (14.30-16.30 CEST) and will present 3 successful experiences of libraries offering services and support to enable Open Science practices among researchers. Paul Ayris, University College London, Open Science, a blueprint for Universities in Weiterlesen…

Open Science Barcamp 2021

Erstmals wird das Open Science Barcamp des Leibniz-Forschungsverbundes Open Science durch Studierende der TH Köln unter Federführung von ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften organisiert. Das Barcamp richtet sich an Open-Science-Beauftragte sowie an alle, die sich für Open Science interessieren – aus der Region und darüber hinaus! Tagsüber treffen wir uns Weiterlesen…

Jointly towards Sustainable Research Data

The research and innovation (R&I) system is undergoing a paradigm shift to Open Science to make scientific knowledge accessible for all by promoting unhindered dissemination of research outputs. Ensuring the interoperability and sustainability of research data – that is, their long-term preservation and accessibility –is an indispensable element to make Weiterlesen…